IVF helped me create the family I dreamed of. That’s why I’m part of the majority that supports reproductive freedom.
#WeAreTheMajority and it’s time to use our voices. When you post about why you support access to repro health care, @reprofreedomforall receives a $100 donation!
I had an abortion, and I’m sharing this because I want you to have access to abortion care, too.
I’m part of the majority that supports reproductive freedom. If you are too, share a post using #WeAreTheMajority and @reprofreedomforall will receive a $100 donation to keep fighting for our fundamental rights!
Birth control opened doors to my future. That’s why I support access to reproductive health care.
Join #WeAreTheMajority by sharing your own repro health care story. For every post shared, @reprofreedomforall receives a $100 donation!
I am part of the majority that supports reproductive freedom! If you’re with me, post about why you support reproductive freedom and @reprofreedomforallwill get a $100 donation! #WeAreTheMajority
#WeAretheMajority is a grassroots campaign to demand reproductive freedom—because the majority of people think what happens to your body and your future is up to you.
Do you agree? Join the #WeAretheMajority movement and share why you support reproductive freedom. For every post created, @reprofreedomforall receives a $100 donation!
Almost EVERYbody has used some form of reproductive health care. No one should get to decide what happens to your body and your future except for you.
If you agree, join the movement and share why you support reproductive freedom using #WeAretheMajority. For every post created, @reprofreedomforallreceives a $100 donation!
From birth control to IVF to abortion—the vast majority of people think what happens to your body is up to you and you alone.
#WeAretheMajority who support reproductive freedom, and when you post about why you’re in this fight, @reprofreedomforall will get a $100 donation!