RFK Jr. Is All Red Flags

RFK Jr. Is All Red Flags

RFK Jr. has had multiple hospitalizations for his heart problem & his VP choice has NO government experience. RFK Jr. supports conspiracy theories & anti-vax. The Kennedys strongly support Biden-Harris, not RFK Jr.'s candidacy.
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RFK Jr. has had multiple hospitalizations for his heart problem & his VP choice has NO government experience. RFK Jr. supports conspiracy theories & anti-vax. The Kennedys strongly support Biden-Harris, not RFK Jr.'s candidacy.
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In 2000, 3rd party candidates siphoned enough electoral college votes away from Al Gore to put George Bush in the White House. Bush got us into a war, based on a lie that Iran had weapons of mass destruction. Vote Biden-Harris 2024.
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Perot in the ‘90’s & Stein in 2016, were political spoilers! They split the vote & took electoral college votes away from serious candidates. Perot gave us Bush & Stein gave us Trump. Don’t let RFK Jr. be a spoiler in 2024. Support Biden-Harris 2024.
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Conspiracy theorist & election “spoiler” RFK Jr. told Joe Rogan that "Wi-Fi radiation opens up your blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins in your body to go into your brain." Too delusional. Vote Biden-Harris 2024.
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RFK Jr. pled guilty to felony possession of heroin & stayed addicted for 14 yrs. In ’04, he was convicted of drug trafficking. We already have a felon running for president! Vote Biden-Harris.
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In '84, activist Cesar Chavez said: "Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." Vote wisely! Vote Biden/Harris.
Support Biden-Harris 2024. joebiden.com

The reputable Center for Countering Digital Hate has identified RFK Jr. as one of the “Disinformation Dozen". Is RFK Jr. a doctor or scientist? NOPE! Just another rich guy attracting media attention. Support Biden-Harris 2024.
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RFK Jr. used to call Fox News biased and dishonest until he needed to shop conspiracy theories. We cannot afford a president who claims that COVID targets only non-Whites, and that mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs. Support Biden-Harris.
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RFK Jr. profits from irresponsible anti-vax charities he runs, his anti-vax conspiracy theory writings & from spreading deadly disinformation. Too dangerous to have political power. Support Biden-Harris 2024 for policies based on science.
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40 members of RFK Jr.’s family repudiated his candidacy & asked us NOT to support him. If his family says he's nuts, we should believe them. The family joined Biden at the White House on St. Patrick’s Day, to endorse Biden. Support Biden-Harris 2024.
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RFK Jr. said that the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol wasn’t a “true insurrection” & expressed concern for “harsh treatment” of those found guilty. He blames “both establishment parties” for campaigning on it. Cuckoo! 🤡 Support Biden-Harris 2024.
Support Biden-Harris 2024 joebiden.com