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Equal Pay Day | March 12, 2024

Join the social media storm 11am PT/2pm ET

Welcome to the fight for equal pay!

According to 2022 Census data, the wage gap for women compared to men is 84 cents on the dollar for full-time, year-round workers. When you look at all earners, including full-time, year-round earners + part-time and part-year workers, the wage gap widens to 78 cents. These wage gaps are unacceptable. Women continue to be are underpaid and undervalued. Help us raise awareness about the wage gap and its impact on women and their families by sharing our posts to your social networks.

Learn more about Equal Pay Day and our calls to action by clicking


For Congressional talking points, please click


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đź“« If you have any questions, please email: ejohnson @

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Not one, not two, but three ways you can participate in #EqualPayDay and help close the gender wage gap.
How to get started on Equal Pay Day

The #WageGap contributes to the long-term economic insecurity of women and families. By earning only 84 cents for every $1 a man makes, full-time, year-round working women lose up to $400k over the course of their careers. We need #EqualPay now! Many women piece together part-time, seasonal, and gig work to make ends meet. Factoring in these jobs and full-time work, the average woman is paid 77 cents per $1 paid to the average man. Women don’t work 77% as hard as men. We demand 100% of the pay we are owed! Learn more about #EqualPayDay with Equal Pay Today and why it's crucial for everyone to raise awareness on this day, AND throughout the year!
Equal Pay Today

Unámonos para exigir igualdad salarial por igual trabajo. Las mujeres no pueden seguir siendo infravaloradas y mal pagadas. ¡Exijamos al Congreso aprobar las leyes de Equidad y Transparencia Salarial! #DíaDeIgualdadSalarial #EqualPayDay

Let’s stand together and demand equal pay for equal work. Women cannot continue to be undervalued and underpaid. Urge Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness and Salary Transparency Acts! #EqualPayDay

La diferencia salarial entre las trabajadoras latinas y los trabajadores blancos es amplia, dejando a las trabajadoras latinas como el grupo demográfico peor pagado en los EE. UU. #DiaDeIgualdadSalarial nos ayuda a llamar a luchar contra estas desigualdades, garantizando que las latinas reciban una paga justa y bien merecida.

The pay disparity between Latina workers and white male workers is the largest, revealing them as the lowest-paid demographic in the U.S. #EqualPayDay channels the call to push back against these inequities, ensuring that Latinas are paid their fair and well-earned share.

Las trabajadoras Latinas sindicalizadas tienen acceso a mejores salarios, más oportunidades laborales y más beneficios. Por eso, abogamos por trabajos seguros y sindicalizados. ¡Todas merecemos salarios justos! #EqualPayDay

Unionized Latina workers have better wages, more job opportunities, and benefits than not unionized Latina workers. This is why we advocate for safe union jobs. We all deserve equal and fair salaries! #EqualPayDay

SAVE THE DATE: Equal Pay Day is on March 12, 2024 Join the nationwide campaign to help raise awareness about the wage gap women experience in the workplace. đź—Ł Amplify the message to your networks by using the toolkit below! #EqualPayDay @equalpay2dayorg
Save the date for Equal Pay Day!

#EqualPayDay isn't just one day– it sets off awareness for other equal pay days throughout the year! Read about all the demographic days throughout the year with Equal Pay Today!
Learn more at:

We don't want pay secrecy– we want pay transparency! When job seekers have access to salary ranges upfront, gender disparities in negotiation outcomes decrease, paving the way for fairer opportunities. Let's make it happen! #EqualPayDay
Take Action for the Salary Transparency Act!
