
Babies Can't Wait: We Need Early Intervention!

Use this toolkit to let your networks know about the urgent need for increased Early Intervention funding in the Illinois FY26 state buget!

Time is of the essence! Early Intervention services are most effective during the first three years of life. With high caseloads and low compensation, providers are stretched thin. We need significant funding increases in FY26 to support our children and families! #BabiesCantWait @RaisingIllinois
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Los proveedores de EI de IL enfrentan desafíos que ponen en peligro los servicios de los que dependen nuestras familias. @GovPritzker, ¡asigne un gran aumento en la financiación de la intervención temprana en el presupuesto del año fiscal 2026! #WeNeedEI #BabiesCantWait

¡Todos los niños merecen un buen comienzo! Muchos bebés y niños pequeños en IL enfrentan demoras históricas en los servicios de intervención temprana. Es hora de aumentar la financiación para reclutar y retener a los proveedores que nuestras familias necesitan. #BabiesCantWait
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🚨 La crisis de la fuerza laboral en el programa de intervención temprana de IL está dejando a cientos de familias en el limbo. Miles de niños están esperando servicios críticos. ¡Únase a mí y @RaisingIllinois para pedir más fondos para EI en el presupuesto del año fiscal 2026!
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¡El tiempo es esencial! Los servicios de intervención temprana son más efectivos durante los primeros tres años de vida. ¡Necesitamos aumentos significativos de fondos en el año fiscal 2026 para apoyar a nuestros niños y familias! #BabiesCantWait @RaisingIllinois
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The future of our babies depends on the support we give today! Illinois’ Early Intervention providers are facing challenges that jeopardize the services our families rely on. @GovPritzker please allocate a large increase in EI funding in the FY26 budget! #WeNeedEI #BabiesCantWait

Crisis Alert: The workforce crisis in IL’s EI program is leaving hundreds of families in limbo. Thousands of children are waiting for critical services which are most effective before age 3. Join me @RaisingIllinois in calling for more EI funding in the FY26 budget! #weneedEI

Families across Illinois are waiting for vital Early Intervention services to begin, and our workforce is struggling. We can’t let funding barriers hold our children back! Join us in demanding more funding for EI in the FY26 budget! #WeNeedEI #BabiesCantWait @RaisingIllinois
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Every child deserves a strong start! Yet, many infants & toddlers in Illinois are facing historic service delays in Early Intervention. It's time to boost funding to recruit & retain the providers our families need. Let's advocate for a brighter future! #WeNeedEI #BabiesCantWait
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Families across Illinois are waiting for vital Early Intervention services to begin, and our workforce is struggling. We can’t let funding barriers hold our children back! Join us in demanding more funding for EI in the FY26 budget! #WeNeedEI #BabiesCantWait @RaisingIllinois