Stop Project 2025 website graphic

Project 2025 wants to make a Republican president a sole dictator, eliminating the independence of the entire executive branch, DOJ, FCC, Federal Trade Commission, etc., using the military to attack & repress us. Reject authoritarianism. Support Dems.
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This is our country, not your church. The Bill of Rights guarantees our right to freedom of speech & religion & to be free from others imposing their religious views on us. Protect our civil rights & freedoms. Support Democrats.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 supports harmful discrimination, deleting the terms sexual orientation, gender identity, diversity, equity, & inclusion from government documents, & attacking our civil rights & freedoms. Support Democrats.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

This is our country, not your church. The Bill of Rights guarantees our right to freedom of speech & religion & to be free from others imposing their religious views on us. Protect our civil rights & freedoms. Support Democrats.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 & Trump want to deport millions of non-White immigrants including those here for decades, to reimpose a Muslim ban & to end birthright citizenship for babies born here to children of non-White immigrants, even if here legally. Racism!
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Convicted felon Trump & his allies want to use the military to punish critics & opponents by invoking the Insurrection Act as an excuse to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. Protect our Bill of Rights' freedom of assembly & speech. Vote!
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 would attack rather than protect transgender & LGBTQIA+ people from illegal discrimination, denying gender-affirming healthcare, banning use of preferred pronouns in school & erasing LGBTQ people from public view. Support inclusion/diversity.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 would attack rather than protect transgender & LGBTQIA+ people from illegal discrimination, denying gender-affirming healthcare, banning use of preferred pronouns in school & erasing LGBTQ people from public view. Support inclusion/diversity.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 would attack rather than protect transgender & LGBTQIA+ people from illegal discrimination, denying gender-affirming healthcare, banning use of preferred pronouns in school & erasing LGBTQ people from public view. Support inclusion/diversity.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Project 2025 would nullify Biden's climate change executive orders, abandon reducing greenhouse gas emissions, repeal emissions-reducing regulations & eliminate the EPA & Nat'l Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. Save our children's future home! Support Dems!
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

MAGA’s Project 2025 falsely claims climate policy is “economy-killing” & that diversity objectives are “irrelevant”. The U.S. already has faced 23 major climate disasters since Jan. 2023, costing billions. GOP's oil & gas industry donors don't care.
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025

Convicted felon Trump says that if he were to be re-elected, he would unleash his modern day “Gestapo” to shoot immigrants attempting asylum in a country that historically has offered to immigrants: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
SIGN our Petition to Stop Project 2025