Idaho v. United States Digital Toolkit

Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States -- a consolidated case (often referred to simply as Idaho v. United States) that would have national implications on the safety of pregnant women seeking life-saving care.

In short, the case calls into question the ability of doctors to follow the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) when faced with a pregnant patient. EMTALA guarantees treatment for emergency medical conditions to prevent serious risk to a patient’s health, but Idaho’s abortion ban only allows doctors to provide emergency abortion care to prevent a patient’s death. Anti-abortion activists hope that a ruling upholding state abortion bans over EMTALA’s federal patient protections will clear the way from more cruel bans and allow ‘states rights’ to trump longstanding federal laws whenever it suits their political interests.

Let’s be clear: This case is about Republicans being so hellbent on banning abortion that they would rather women die than receive necessary, life-saving abortion care.

In a potential preview of SCOTUS’ intentions: After a federal district court in Idaho issued a stay on implementation while the case works its way through the courts, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and allowed the law to go into effect -- blocking EMTALA for pregnant patients who need emergency abortion care in Idaho at least until their full ruling comes this year. That means women in Idaho are being denied emergency abortion care because they are pregnant right now.

Nothing about the Idaho ban, and its subsequent attempt to override federal law, is based in medical reality. It is solely another attempt by Republicans to steal from women their rights to bodily autonomy and freedom -- and it comes at the literal cost of their lives. When we talk about the price of MAGA extremism, when we say this is (once again) “the most important election of our lifetimes,” this is what we mean. It is on each of us to do everything we can to prevent MAGA from achieving its goals. Yes, for our freedoms, but also for our very lives. Use this digital toolkit to help us spread the word about what's at stake.

From banning abortion to eliminating access to medication abortion to gutting rights to emergency care, Donald Trump and Republicans will do whatever it takes to ban abortion nationwide. Learn more & fight back:

FACT: Abortion bans are forcing OB-GYNs to leave states, leaving pregnant women in states like Idaho with little to no maternal healthcare, and ultimately increasing maternal mortality rates. Learn more and take action:

Anti-abortion extremists are keeping healthcare providers from doing their jobs. Now they want to make it even harder for pregnant people to get the care they need, putting their health and lives at risk. Here's what you need to know:

At least a third of pregnancies involve ER visits, and up to 15% include potentially life-threatening conditions. But Idaho's abortion ban endangers pregnant people who face medical emergencies by denying them the care they need. Learn more & take action:

Everyone experiencing a health emergency should be able to get the care they need—including an abortion—without political interference. This shouldn't be a controversial statement, but in Trump's America, it is. Learn more & fight back:

Healthcare providers should not have to choose between saving a life and jail time. Abortion bans threaten to criminalize care, putting both doctors and patients at risk. Learn more about Idaho v. United States and how to take action:

86% of Americans support access to emergency abortion care. Why are politicians trying to block it? The Supreme Court's decision could put lives at risk by denying pregnant people critical care. Here's what you need to know:

The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) has safeguarded the right to emergency medical care for nearly 40 years. Now, SCOTUS has temporarily greenlit a state abortion ban that violates EMTALA. Our lives are on the line:

As the Supreme Court is set to decide a case on whether states can force doctors to turn away pregnant women suffering emergency pregnancy complications, remember, Donald Trump did this. Here's what you can do next:

Idaho v. United States is so much more than legal text. Just ask Elizabeth Weller, who was told she had to get even sicker before doctors could intervene after her water broke at 19 weeks pregnant: Remember: Donald Trump did this.

It feels like a good week for a reminder that women who live in states that banned abortion after Roe was overturned are up to 3x more likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, or soon after giving birth. Donald Trump did this. Take action:

Last week, the AP reported on how across the country, emergency rooms are refusing to treat pregnant women. Now, SCOTUS is set to rule whether abortion bans trump federal law requiring life-saving care, including abortion: This is Donald Trump’s America.

121 Republicans signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of Idaho’s restrictive abortion ban that is denying pregnant women emergency abortion care until they are on the brink of death and criminalizing doctors. Here are their names:

121 Republicans signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of Idaho’s restrictive abortion ban that is denying pregnant women emergency abortion care until they are on the brink of death and criminalizing doctors. Here are their names:

121 congressional Republicans signed a brief in Idaho v. United States supporting its cruel abortion ban that forces pregnant women to suffer till they’re nearly dead before receiving life-saving abortion care. Check whether your Republican is on the list: