Indivisble Truth Brigade: Grassroots-powered disinformation disruption

Through strategic messaging, empathetic conversation, and tactical non-engagement, we persuade a lot of people to stop spreading lies.

- Don't comment on, argue with, or share disinformation or misinformation.

- Instead, as often and in as many places as possible, personalize and post these "Indivisible Truth Sandwich" topical messages and "DisinfoBusters" educational tips. You'll cause the pause that prompts critical, independent thinking.

Toolkit: Ban Toxic Tech, not Books

Toolkit: DEI Lies: Busted!

When pundits cast doubt or blame on whole communities, that’s often a sign they’re avoiding responsibility for real solutions. #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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Lies are the fuel - attention is the fire. Don’t give lies your clicks! #TruthBrigade

Opportunity is as American as apple pie. So when people dismiss others as “DEI hires” it’s worth asking what they really mean. Diversity is America’s strength - let’s protect it. #TruthBrigade
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We can all name inspiring women whose careers have impacted our lives. So when pundits diminish the worth of #powerfulwomen, we ask "who benefits?" Block those power-grabbing attacks by uplifting female achievements and abilities. #TruthBrigade
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Talk about “sexism” today can be met with an eye roll. So why are power-hungry pundits and politicians spreading more disinfo than ever to question women’s “qualifications” to lead? Think twice about motives when you see #powerfulwomen described with labels unrelated to their platforms or accomplishments. #TruthBrigade
Hidden in Plain Sight: Disinfo Attacks Women

In America, we believe in opportunity for all. So it doesn’t seem very American to me when I see nasty attacks on businesses that promote inclusion. Makes you think, right? #DEI supports the American Dream. #TruthBrigade
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When you see a sudden increase in negative portrayals of a public figure without an apparent cause, stop and think. Is a false narrative behind this? #DisinfoBuster #TruthBrigade
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Wonder how to open a conversation with someone who believes a lie? Put your defenses aside and instead name what you have in common. You can do it! Hints: “We all want an accountable government.” “We all want our kids to be safe.” #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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Find common ground with your friends and neighbors and even the most difficult conversations become enjoyable! #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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The truth is independent of the messenger. If the voice is slick but the facts are fuzzy, double check with reliable sources! #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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More than 1,000 online “news” sites are actually partisan. How to tell? Impartial sites usually include bylines from credible journalists, reputable sources, a diversity of perspectives and nonpartisan advertising content. #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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Never argue with lies or misinformation. Instead, “Cause a Pause” in the misinformed person's way of thinking. Online, start a new thread with the truth. Offline, listen with empathy, then genuinely express interest in the source of the misinformation. #TruthBrigade #DisinfoBuster
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