Abortion Rights Under Attack

Abortion Rights Under Attack

Should a judge be able to invalidate the FDA’s approval of Viagra? Research studies show that it is more dangerous than Mifepristone. Or is the point really to control women’s choices? It's clear that GOP judges are endangering women’s lives.
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The phrase “barefoot and pregnant” is code for a life where women have no power or control. This is what Republicans want. Instead of pursuing careers, women would be forced to stay home raising children, with no right to make their own choices.
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When women are denied the opportunity to control their reproductive choices, they lose their equality. They become enslaved by men and their reproductive cycle. This is the Republican goal. Support Democrats.
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In 1941, a woman with 3 small children who was pregnant with her 4th was abandoned by her husband. She had a botched back-alley abortion & died from sepsis. Her children were traumatized. The right to legal abortion is essential.
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There were over 45K gun deaths in 2021. CU Boulder says that banning abortion nationwide would lead to a 21% increase in pregnancy-related deaths. Save lives by voting to control guns & keep abortion legal.
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Betty White was right! Some men, especially old, white men, think they should control womens' bodies & healthcare choices. They wouldn't dream of letting us control THEIR choices. Time to vote them out!
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Male allies, stand up & speak out! Republicans want to deny life choices to women that they support for men. Vote for equal opportunity. Vote Blue in Roevember!
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Would YOU allow someone else's religion to control your choice of where to live, what to wear, or your healthcare choices? NO? Then, don't force others to bow to your beliefs.
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Since the Dobbs decision, women have registered to vote in record numbers. We won't let Republicans take away our constitutional right to control our own bodies. Women are feeling their power & Roevember is coming!
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Those of us who support equal rights cannot be quiet. We must speak out, run for office, support groups that fight for our rights & vote BLUE. Expose lies & hypocrisy. Fight for our rights!
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Guttmacher Institute: "By making abortion legal nationwide, Roe v. Wade has had a dramatic impact on the health & well-being of US women. Deaths from abortion have plummeted & are now a rarity." Making abortion illegal is NOT "pro-life"!
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To obtain an abortion, Florida forces traumatized victims to make instantaneous, life-changing decisions, & to show a police report or medical record to prove rape, incest or trafficking. Florida stole our civil rights.
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